Stomach acid and the possible underlying causes of heartburn

Acid reflux, or gastroesophogeal reflux disorder (GERD), occurs when acid from your stomach flows backwards through the lower oesophageal sphincter (LES), the muscle that separates the oesophagus from the stomach, into your oesophagus. 1 Heartburn, the burning feeling you get behind your breastbone that sometimes feels like you’re having a heart attack, and travels up your throat, […]
What is nutritional therapy – based on the functional medicine model?

Registered nutritional therapy practitioners practice nutritional therapy based on the Functional Medicine model. Their attention is focussed on the client, rather than any illness they may have. The emphasis is on lifestyle, diet and supplements as the primary intervention, and, if necessary, functional testing (such as conventional blood tests or more sophisticated functional tests) is considered to […]
Sugar: what is it and how is it harmful?

Today, more than ever before, we are hearing the word “sugar” bandied about everywhere, and are being warned of the health risks associated with high intakes of it. We are told that “added” or “free” sugars are harmful; and that it is these sugars we need to cut back on because they cause our blood […]